Vikki Hunley

After earning a bachelor's degree in psychology from Queens University, Vikki embarked on a marketing communications career – positioning products and services, identifying opportunities to overcome obstacles, and achieving company goals. Vikki brings over 30 years of sales, marketing, and advertising experience with a broad background in advertising, promotions, and marketing & brand management across various industries. Through her professional work with not-for-profit clients, she developed a passion for serving and advocating for the underserved, ranging from teens to seniors.
Where were you born and where did you grow up? Born in Tucson, Ariz., and grew up in Monroe, N.C.
Favorite way to spend a weekend or a Sunday afternoon? Weekends are days to catch up with friends and family, rest, and exercise. In winter, Sunday afternoons are a bowl of soup and a good book – or football! In the summer, Sunday afternoons are porch parties with neighbors and friends.
What excites you about your work at The Ivey and the contribution you make here? For me, the notion that we can help each other live life to the fullest has been redefined by the work I do at The Ivey, helping families living with Alzheimer's and dementia. In my efforts to help families find the courage and stamina to live with memory loss, I’ve received the marvelous gift of witnessing their unwavering love and determination.