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Thank you in advance for your support.

Your generosity directly supports programming for our members and their families, and the community-at-large.

Please complete the form below to process your gift by credit card.  Checks may be made payable to The Ivey and mailed to 6030 Park South Drive, Charlotte NC 28210.  Thank you. 

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Credit Card Information
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For your records, it is our standard practice to mail donation acknowledgment letters to donors. For "In Memory of" donations, we also mail acknowledgment letters to immediate family members on file and for "In Honor Of" we notify the honored recipient.  Below, please provide the address of the honored recipient or additional names/address of anyone else you wish to receive an acknowledgment.

Federal EIN #26-4197696. Your contribution is tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Financial information and our solicitation license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at (919)807-2214. The license is not an endorsement by the State of NC.