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Brain Health Workshop



Featuring Josh Brigham
Adapt Clt
Certified Level 2 Foundation Training Instructor
Certified Functional Range Conditioning Instructor

At 31, Josh had his first back surgery - an artificial disc implanted in between cervical vertebrae 6 and 7. He’d never had any type of significant injury or trauma to his back, yet his disc ruptured, leaving his right arm partially paralyzed and his hand numb. The surgery on his neck was a success but his neurosurgeon warned him that there was an even larger problem looming. Josh’s MRI’s showed 90% degeneration of the discs in his lumbar spine. His doctor warned him that significant surgical intervention was inevitable. Through it all, Josh wanted to know WHY he had such serious back problems at such a young age. The only answer anyone could give him was “bad genes.”

Josh’s pain progressed from nagging to persistent to chronic and debilitating. Not being able to walk without pain and struggling daily to do basic things for himself, Josh looked to physical therapy, traction therapy, inversion tables, zero gravity chairs, painkillers, muscle relaxers, and cortisone shots for relief. Facing another major surgery or a life of chronic pain, Josh discovered Foundation Training. Foundation Training not only relieved Josh’s pain but answered his biggest question: Why was he experiencing it?

Within weeks of consistently practicing Foundation Training, he began to experience significant relief. Josh then steadily progressed from being able to touch his toes, tie his shoes, and shower without help to tackling workouts, runs, hikes, and all the activities he’d feared he’d never enjoy again.

Inspired by his own experience, Josh has spent the past 7 years studying FT and has achieved the highest-level certification that Foundation Training offers. He is committed to helping others free themselves from chronic pain and enjoy life without limits. Josh’s clients include assisted living patients, service industry professionals, MDs, chiropractors, fitness enthusiasts, seasoned yogis, patients rehabbing from surgery, and those looking to avoid it.


  • Founder, AdaptCLT
  • Certified Level 2 Foundation Training Instructor
  • Certified Functional Range Conditioning Instructor