I started thinking about anniversaries recently when I was reminded that March 4 marked the anniversary of the first known case of COVID-19 in North Carolina and the beginning of a journey none of us could ever have anticipated.
Miriam-Webster defines anniversary as the annual recurrence of a date marking a notable event. Other sources define it as a date on which something important happens that is noted in some way each year thereafter.
For me, anniversaries evoke memories. Some are celebratory, like birthdays and weddings. Some are worth reverent reflection like the passing of loved ones.
So what do you think when you hear anniversaries? A few of mine that bring great joy are:
The recent Valentine’s Day anniversary of my husband, John’s, marriage proposal …monumental…followed by the memories of the big day in June for the wedding!
My birthday in April, the day after my husband, John’s, birthday and the day before my long-term co-worker and friend, Vikki’s, birthday…always a fun time for the 3 of us!
This year’s New Year’s Day which turned the page from 2020 to 2021…it’s much more fun to see last year in the rear-view mirror.
And remembering way back, nearly 14 years ago when The Ivey opened its newly constructed doors to the public on January 7, 2008…can you believe it’s been that many years? Seems like yesterday!
Each year on that January 7 anniversary, we remember all the wonderful families we’ve been blessed to know and love. At the same time, we give abundant gratitude to The Ivey staffs who have brought so much joy and relief to families in the Charlotte community with loved ones living with cognitive impairment and memory challenges.
And then there was Friday, March 13, 2020...a monumental moment. On this date one year ago, The Ivey temporarily suspended its services due to mounting concerns surrounding COVID-19…an incredibly difficult decision, but clearly the correct one.
But fast forward 366 days to a reason to celebrate an anniversary. This coming Saturday, March 13, 2021, marks exactly the 2 weeks after The Ivey staff’s second shot that scientists say it takes for the vaccine to be fully effective, exactly 1 year to the day we temporarily suspended our onsite services.
Isn’t it amazing, though, the irony, symmetry and symbolism of March 13? What an unforgettable year it has been, 366 days to be exact! And The Ivey’s mission is alive and well…different, but well!
There are so many anniversaries that bless our lives. Even amidst tumultuous times, when we are mindful of our blessings, our anniversaries, our gratitude for so much, life is SO good!
Take a minute and think of your anniversaries…be present with your thoughts and memories…and be joyful!
Got a comment? I love ’em! Email them here and I’ll read and reply.
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