Dear Readers:
Last week, instead of my weekly blog, you received an invitation register for Info Sessions to learn about The Ivey’s new Brain Health Solutions workshops.
Since we all need a little “memory jogger” every now and then, this is a REMINDER to register for one of the 4 Free Info Sessions (Sept. 10th & 17th). Read further for more details about the Info Session speaker and topics, as well as our COVID “peace of mind” message.
For peace of mind, special COVID-safe protocols will apply at the door,
prior to entering The Ivey:
Proof of vaccination and mask required
Temperature and symptom check questionnaire
Physical distancing observed
Southminster Chef-prepared lunch offering (seated or boxed-to-go, based on public health leaders’ advice at that time)
FREE Info Sessions (Click Here)
Learn About New 12-Week Brain Health Workshops at The Ivey
Info Session Featuring
Recorded Perspective: Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Neurosurgeon and author of Keep Sharp: Build a Better Brain at Any Age
“Tips To Boost Your Brain Health
Keynote: Dr. Brian Asbill
Cardiologist at Asheville Cardiology Associates and Mission Heart and certified in Lifestyle Medicine
“Lifestyle Medicine for Brain Health”
Can your risk for Alzheimer’s and other dementias be lowered?
What foods are best for our brains?
What effect does exercise have on brain function?
What about the importance of sleep and social connection?
How healthy lifestyle behaviors are critical for optimal brain function!
Host: Lynn Ivey
CEO and Founder, The Ivey
“Fridays-At-The Ivey”
An overview of the New 12-Week Brain Health workshops developed for the ‘worried well’ to help understand the brain better—and lifestyle changes to protect it. Learn from leading experts in multiple disciplines and perspectives each week. Build brain-healthy routines and knowledge to keep your brain sharp and age well.
Don’t Miss Out! LIMITED SEATING filling up FASTER than expected!