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What is Your Motivation?

Our Brain Health program, Fridays-At-The Ivey, has finally coming to life!

My first WOW!  Week 1 of the Brain Health Workshop moved me to tears!  Our Brain Health program finally coming to life is a journey that has been 4 years in development! 

Not only has it come to life, but it’s thriving!  Attendance at our FREE Information Sessions earlier this month exceeded our goal and registrations for the 12-week workshops reached full capacity.  In spite of COVID-19’s continued prevalence, all attendees were fully vaccinated and wore masks!  At The Ivey, we remain so proud of our adherence to COVID-safe protocols which allowed us to meet in person and enjoy an inspiring and impactful experience! 

Last Friday, Sept 24, was the official starting line.  Throughout the day, there was a recurring theme of “What motivates you/why are you here?”   Each attendee had their own personal answer but here are a few that we heard:  

“I want to play ping pong with my grandchildren.”  

“I want to meet new people.” 

“I want the ability to travel and learn new things.”  

“I want to age well.” 

Brian Asbill, MD, Cardiologist and Diplomate of Lifestyle Medicine from Asheville, NC, was our keynote speaker for all 4 of the Information Sessions and he did not disappoint.   His presentation was full of the science and data around the benefits of lifestyle behavior changes in each of the six Brain Health pillars:   Connect, Sleep, Nutrition, Move, Discover, De-stress -- which can, and will, support aging well with a healthy brain.   

My second WOW is that we have 2 choices:  live healthy lives, or live sickly lives.  Dr. Asbill shared a video that truly emphasized these 2 choices. Click here for the 1-minute video that will give you pause and cause you to think about the choice you can make for your life.  

What is your choice?  What motivates you?  The Ivey’s new program, Brain Health Solutions/Fridays-At-The Ivey is based on science, taught by experts in their respective fields, and provides the education, support, inspiration, and accountability to age well and truly make lifestyle changes. We are excited for those who have already started the journey and look forward to taking you along with us over the next few weeks.  STAY TUNED in the coming weeks for Information Session LIVE webinar and in-person dates, as well as our 2022 workshop calendar!  

The Ivey is making a difference in the Charlotte community and in the lives of others.  Will you join us?